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Fully automated Online ID Verification at COTEON

Fully automated ID Verification

Published on06/25/2024

Certified test that can be carried out online Corona rapid test

Corona rapid tests online - the challenge

Rapid coronavirus tests with certificates play a key role in containing the pandemic, and a wide range of local test centres have developed accordingly. However, there are many scenarios in which people can only visit a test centre with difficulty or not at all, such as long-distance drivers, physically impaired people and many more. COTEON wanted to close this gap and create an online way for people to take a SARS-CoV-2 antigen test and receive the associated certificate. As in the test centre, people would first have to identify themselves online to confirm their identity, then the rapid test would be carried out and the certificate would be sent with the test result. In the online world, this should look like this: An online ID check identifies the person being tested, who then shoots a video of the entire testing process (including the time taken to get the result). They send this to COTEON, where the video is checked and a certificate is issued and sent if the test is carried out correctly. The identity check at the start of this process is of crucial importance: as it is the basis for issuing the certificate, it must of course be secure and cannot be manipulated. At the same time, this identity check must be feasible in terms of both technical reliability and user-friendliness – after all, the person being tested wants to receive their certificate and must not fail because of the ID requirement!

The solution with AI Ident and a backup system

Accordingly, when designing the process, particular attention is paid to ensuring that the online ID verification is successful, which is why a backup system is used for security purposes. As a full-service provider with modular solutions, WebID combines the respective strengths of different processes from its product portfolio: the fully automated online ID card verification AI Ident delivers reliable and fast results thanks to artificial intelligence and biometrics and leads to very high conversion rates, i.e. a very high proportion of users complete the process to the end. However, if something does not work for technical reasons, another WebID identification process is on hand: as a backup system, Video Ident secures the conversion by guiding the person to be tested through the ID verification process. Online identification, which is a crucial sub-process that must be highly performant, also requires COTEON to receive all relevant data from the identification process very quickly in order to use it for further processing for the certificate. The data transfer is therefore adapted for COTEON to intervals of a few minutes. The flexibility of modular use also means that COTEON can add the video identification procedure as required.

The success of COTEON

With the website, COTEON is the first provider in Europe to offer a rapid coronavirus test with certificate as a complete online process: The person to be tested purchases an access code in the website’s online shop. After identifying themselves using the WebID procedure, they take the test kit and carry out the rapid coronavirus test according to the instructions. The entire process is recorded on video and then sent to COTEON. The COTEON specialists check the test and send the certificate by email within an hour. Many people use the online antigen tests every day for travelling and business purposes, and the conversion rate is an extraordinary 95%. The location-independent, quick and easy online service is particularly popular with numerous companies: All they have to do is send their employees the access codes for rapid coronavirus testing.

Verification knowledge: No matter when and where

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